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Milwaukee indie rockers LO/ST cast a chill on their new breakup song, 'Windows'

For this week's premiere, we're excited to share an emotional new single from Milwaukee indie-rockers LO/ST. You can stream and read about "Windows" below.
LO/ST - "Windows"

Artists' statement

"Windows" is the first single off LO/ST’s debut EP, “All I Find." The EP travels through different phases and layers of the death of a sick relationship. "Windows" describes the ripping pain of that breakup. It's the part where you choose to sever the tie and hating every moment of it. This was my lullaby to myself on the hardest nights. I’d lament the pain of loss like a constant chill leaking in through an open window I couldn’t get shut. Then I’d remind myself to just keep still and wait for the hope of a new day. Sometimes all you can do to keep forward momentum is just not take any backwards steps. Just “shake and wait for morning light.”

Single art: Diego Molina