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Power to our listeners!

Sound Judgment audience

What kind of music do you really love? What’s so bad that you would immediately change radio stations?

That’s the kind of input 88Nine listeners are providing at group meetings we call “Sound Judgment.” (Yes, there’s no “e” after the “g” – even though it looks weird.)

Last night, we kicked off the second year of Sound Judgment in our performance space with about 40 Radio Milwaukee members and their guests.

Program Director Jordan Lee and Music Director Justin Barney hosted, asking participants to rate a variety of music genres, six songs we’re currently playing, and seven songs we’re considering putting on the air.

“We have a very engaged and intelligent listener base,” said Jordan, “and we’re now opening the door wider to encourage an open conversation with them.”

We’ll be holding seven more Sound Judgment sessions this year. If you’re a Radio Milwaukee member – and what a good reason to become one – you’ll get an email soon offering you the chance to sign up.

But even if you don’t take part in Sound Judgment, we’d love to hear from you.

Here are the seven songs we played last night that we’re considering playing on the air. Take a listen and leave your comments below.

Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee