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Introducing Radio Milwaukee's Essential 50

If you could only listen to 50 artists for the rest of time, who would you listen to? 

Who would HAVE to be on the list? Whose music has shaped you? Made you feel, made you dance, made you cry? 

Who influenced you as a kid? Made you feel understood as a teen? Challenges you as an adult? 

We asked our DJs these questions, and during our Membership Drive on Oct. 9-18, you’ll hear their answers on-air. 

This is Essential 50, nine days of music programmed straight from the hearts of Radio Milwaukee. 

From Oct. 9-18, you’ll hear the countdown of each of our air staff’s Essential 50 artists. We’ll start with #50 at 7 a.m. and work our way to #1 by 7 p.m. We’ll be telling stories, having dance parties and getting personal. 

Oct. 9 - Tarik Moody

Oct. 10 - Kenny Perez

Oct. 11 - Jordan Lee

Oct. 12 - Sarah Fierek, Natasha Jules, Kima Hamilton, Tyrone Miller and Kat Froehlich

Oct. 13 - OFF

Oct. 14 - Ayisha Jaffer

Oct. 15 - Nate Imig

Oct. 16 - Justin Barney

Oct. 17 - Marcus Doucette

Oct. 18 - Dori Zori

We’re introducing Essential 50 during our Membership Drive to show just how much heart we put in to the programming you hear on 88Nine. 

We’re not an algorithm, we’re not a formula. We’re radio with heart. And we’re able to be that because of your support

So if during the next 10 days you hear an artist that you love, consider picking up the phone or clicking the orange hear t and making a contribution. 

We put our hearts into Radio Milwaukee, and we’re asking you to join the family. 

Take our quiz

New music, Milwaukee music, deep cuts from your favorite artists. We play it all on 88Nine Radio Milwaukee. But which 88Nine DJ are you most musically compatible with? Whose personal playlist could you jam to without skipping a beat? Take our quiz and find out!