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The Last Dinner Party, Miss Grit line up big night at Turner Hall

The Last Dinner Party; Facebook

What’s better than one 88Nine favorite playing a live show in Milwaukee? Why, two of course. We get that wonderful double dip April 5, when The Last Dinner Party plays Turner Hall Ballroom with Miss Grit doing the opening honors.

The London-based headliners have a major presence in our playlist right now, courtesy of their single “Sinner” off soon-to-drop debut album Prelude to Ecstasy (coming out Feb. 2). But the quintet’s 88Nine real estate extended even further this past Sunday for a featured spot on our weekly music-discovery show, What’s All This? Talking about The Last Dinner Party’s “Caesar on a TV Screen,” music director Erin Wolf noted:

The British five-piece avant glam rock group puts a little pomp into their pompousness on this latest single, which plays up their natural penchant for being theatrical, and references Tolstoy and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar while kicking misogyny squarely in the teeth. The five-piece, all-femme group made big waves in 2023, landing opening slots for Nick Cave and The Rolling Stones, all before releasing their debut single.

If that’s not enough to get you out to Turner Hall in a couple months, the inclusion of Miss Grit should tip you toward attending. The solo project of Margaret Sohn visited us for a Studio Milwaukee Session back in October and lit up the space — like, they brought their own light show. Pile some deft guitarwork on top of the visuals, and you’ve got yourself a live experience you won’t soon forget.

Miss Grit Studio Milwaukee.mp4

Your can pick up tickets to The Last Dinner Party and Miss Grit at Turner Hall Ballroom on April 5 via the presale at noon this Thursday, Jan. 25 (password: SNOW), and the general sale at 10 a.m. the following day online and at the Pabst/Riverside box offices.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee