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Super Afrobeat Mixtape

Super Afrobeat Sound Travels

Took a trip back into the vaults on Sunday's Sound Travels. So far back into the vaults it might as well be a brand new mixtape -- and it probably is for most of you.

Of course when the subject is vintage, it almost begs the question of what is a "new" mixtape when it's so old-school to begin with.

So, the dealie-o with this last Sunday was a prime slice of funk, soul and psych sounds from the 60's, 70's and 80's.  And, all of it from West Africa. Both well-known and unheard artists in the mix.

A mix I'd play if you're looking for something different, with energy and a whole lotta soul. Originally aired way back in early 2012, it has actually aged pretty well. Worth a listen or few.


Super Afrobeat Mixtape | Sound Travels July 26th by Marcusdoucette on Mixcloud


Production Manager | Radio Milwaukee