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Krautrok Mixtape | Sound Travels Dec 17th, 2017

If you tuned in last Sunday night for the Sound Travels mixtape, you heard me make my first foray with Krautrock.  I can't even pretend expertise on the genre and really only began sourcing these songs fairly recently. I do know however, that what songs and  sounds I have here in this mix are a nice smattering of well known acts. What I love about the krautrock sound is the sense of experimentation, the unabashed psychedelic-ness of grooves governed by what seems to be a whole different dynamic than acts, especially US acts, from the era. The often quirky-ness of the early experimentations with electronics and synths works sublimely when paired with instruments further dosed with layers of effects.



Dzyan "Khali

Agitation Free "In The Silence Of The Morning Sunrise"

Deutscher Wertarbeit "Deutscher Wald"

A.R. & Machines "I'll Be Your Singer, You'll Be My Song"

Missus Beastly "Geisha"

Novalis "Dronsz"

Can "Vitamin C"

Popol Vuh "Selig sind die, die da hungern"

Michael Bundt "The Brain of Oskar Panizza"

Lutz Rahn "Dracula's Kiss"

Neu! "Neuschnee"

Cluster "Hollywood"

Can "I Want More"

Streetmark "Disco Dry"