As Summerfest prepares to celebrate its 55th anniversary in 2023, the festival announced Tuesday it's sticking with the more recent tradition of music and festivities over three consecutive weekends.
The Thursday-through-Saturday format will take place June 22-24, June 29-July 1 and July 6-8 in 2023 at the festival grounds.
Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. released the results of a private survey of festival goers that found "80% of respondents said Friday and Saturday were among their three most preferred days to attend Summerfest." And, according to the organization, the three-weekend format allows for more flexibility in booking performers.
“Since its inception, Summerfest’s goal has been to provide a world class music festival and gathering place for the community to enjoy,” said Don Smiley, CEO of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., in the release. “As we celebrate our 55th anniversary, we feel fortunate to have a passionate fanbase. It is important to be responsive to fans’ interests by providing more opportunities to attend on weekends, bringing more national touring artists, and offering an enhanced Summerfest experience.”
As always, the date announcement is just a tease for what's to come. We'll have to wait for lineup announcements and on-sale dates until next year.