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Justin Barney

Assistant Program Director & Music Director

First concert?
Weezer and Pixies. Summerfest 2004. I was 14 years old. I was there solely for Weezer. I belted every word. I cried. It was amazing.

Favorite TV show of all time?
"Bored To Death." It was on HBO. Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson, and Zach Galifianakis. Written by Jonathan Ames. It was a perfect show. And I still re-watch it all the time.

Favorite band/artist of all time?
Tom Waits. I used to have a show in college called "Tom Waits and Tom Waits Play Tom Waits" where my buddy and I did Tom Waits impersonations and played Tom Waits and others of that ilk. Nothing beats Tom Waits.

Hobbies? Who has hobbies? Is playing darts and listening to Tom Waits in my apartment by myself a hobby?

Favorite place to take a visitor in Milwaukee?
Rush Mor Records, Hi-Fi Cafe and Puddlers Hall.

What do you like most about Milwaukee?
Milwaukee is a big city, but it's not that big. I feel like, because of that, everyone's actions makes a greater impact. And everyone can make an impact. I like that.

How/why did you get into radio?
When I was 17 my Grandma introduced me to the radio program"This American Life." After that I remember sitting, with my car parked in the driveway, glued to the radio, waiting to hear what happened next on "This American Life." It was game over.

Best part of working at Radio Milwaukee?
I listen to, write and talk about music for a living. That's all I ever wanted.

Ideal Saturday night?
Couple of old friends at a dive bar with a pool table.

Comfort food?
Mom's chili

Comfort drink?

What about you would surprise people?
I have a twin brother.