layout test
Invisible Lines
To many in the Java world, Angie is no stranger. For almost two decades, Jones has been in the industry, is active on social media, and teaches several courses on Test Automation University. However, even she hadn’t always known what she wanted to do with her life. When her dad suggested that she take a computer class in college so she “would know how to use a computer,” neither he nor she could have predicted the spark that was about to ignite.
To many in the Java world, Angie is no stranger. For almost two decades, Jones has been in the industry, is active on social media, and teaches several courses on Test Automation University. However, even she hadn’t always known what she wanted to do with her life. When her dad suggested that she take a computer class in college so she “would know how to use a computer,” neither he nor she could have predicted the spark that was about to ignite.