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WAMI introduces scholarships for young musicians

Ann Rakowiecki

There’s something thrilling about watching a student discover a talent for music that goes beyond the recorder we all get in grade school. We know that feeling well, thanks to the good work being done at Grace Weber’s Music Lab (sign up your burgeoning teen musician today!).

Recently, another well-known music organization joined the effort to support young talent, as the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) introduced its SEED (Sowing Excellence, Enriching Dreams) Scholarships.

“Middle and high school are a critical time for young musicians,” the organization’s president, Jason Klagstad, said in a release. “Music can be left by the wayside for several reasons: lack of robust programs, lack of recognition for its worth, other activities and economic challenges. As professional musicians, it is on all of us to do what we can to encourage young musicians in their studies.”

The encouragement will come in the form of 20 total scholarships — three in each of the four WAMI regions, plus another eight awarded at large in Wisconsin. The $250 attached to each scholarship can be used by middle and high-school students in the stage for instrument rentals, lessons, camps or other means of furthering their musical ambitions.

In addition to the student scholarships, WAMI will also present four Impact Awards to promote diversity in the music community by honoring the children of veterans and those in underrepresented communities.

Applications are open now, and it seems like the organization wants to move the process along quickly and get these funds in the hands of students throughout the state. The application process will end Oct. 14, with teacher recommendations accepted through Oct. 16. WAMI will then notify winners Nov. 1 and mail the scholarship checks Nov. 15.

If you’re a student interested in applying or know someone who qualifies for the scholarship, you can access the application through this link. Individuals and businesses are also encouraged to donate to the scholarship fund, which has a goal of $10,000. You can contribute to the effort via this page on the WAMI website.