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Partner Spotlight: United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF)

We have awesome partners who help support our mission.

We wanted to shine the spotlight this month on United Performing Arts Fund, "UPAF" for short.

Learn a little about them below and find out what song they can't stop listening to.

From a performance of Sweeney Todd at the Skylight Opera

What is your name and title, and who are you representing?

Laura Rodriguez, Marketing Director, United Performing Arts Fund

What is one song you just can't stop listening to?

Anything by Prince!

What are you most passionate about in regards to what is happening in our community and what is UPAF doing for the community?

I’m passionate about loving my city and making it a better place. I work for UPAF because I feel the performing arts can and do enhance our region and make a difference to so many in so many ways. Experiencing the magic of a live performance is transformational. And, many people don’t realize that all the groups we support offer arts education to thousands of kids every year.

From a performance of Anatole at First Stage Children's Theater

How did UPAF get started and what is in store for 2018?

UPAF was formed in 1967 to ensure financial stability of seven performing arts organizations that would be using the county’s new Performing Arts Center (PAC). Today we offer financial support to 15 Member Groups including the Milwaukee Ballet, The Rep and Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. We want 2018 to be another record fundraising year!

Why do you choose to support 88Nine?

When I moved to Milwaukee 10 years ago, I found 88Nine on my car radio and began listening to the station from “day one.” I love the original music and the way the station supports the community. The listeners of 88Nine are made up of people who love Milwaukee and that’s who UPAF wants to communicate to!

Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra