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Chris Alexander

HYFIN On-Air Talent

Cleveland, Ohio.

First concert:
The Jackson 5 in Cleveland. My mom and dad took me and my five sisters, and we even got replica Michael Jackson gloves to top off the night. It was amazing.

Favorite bands of all time:
EPMD, Wu-Tang Clan, The Roots & Slum Village.

Working out, watching and playing sports, working with my students, being a dreamer.

What about you would surprise people:
In Cleveland, academics were very hard for me, and I was diagnosed with a learning disability in fourth grade. I had no interest in school, and all I wanted to do was play sports and listen to hip-hop music. From that point, I worked so hard to be a better student, and then something began to click for me. I continued to work at it and eventually graduated high school, then went to college and received my bachelor’s degree in broadcast communications and went back to school for my master’s degree in education. I now advise college students and help them get through school. I don’t think anyone would have thought that I would be working in education.