Salam Fatayer
Audio Storyteller / 88Nine On-Air TalentHometown:
Jerusalem, Palestine
Something no one in the office knows about you:
I have an irrational fear of volleyball. Don’t worry, I’m just as embarrassed. Here’s to hoping we never do a team-building activity that revolves around sports!
The best part of working at Radio Milwaukee:
I would have to say connecting with communities and learning about the powerful impact that’s being done in Milwaukee. I walk out of every project inspired. Also, getting free food from events we host is a plus!
Writing, making digital art and winning made-up arguments when I’m in the shower.
Comfort drink:
Arabic mint tea. Needs to have fresh mint leaves!
It took the work of many — including Stevie Wonder — to make the holiday official. Join "Uniquely Milwaukee" host Salam Fatayer as she digs into its history.
Just in time for Dry January, Milwaukee has its first hybrid bar. Join us as we grab a drink at Agency and talk to founder Ryan Castelaz.
The much-loved coffee shop in Riverwest found out just how much it means to the neighborhood after a random act of destruction.
This episode of "Uniquely Milwaukee" takes you across the concrete moat and through the protective glass to see what it's like to care for the zoo's biggest animals.
The people who make sure we put our vehicles in the right spot might be the biggest scapegoats in the city. Buckle up and see how tough their job really is.
Our month of "Odd Jobs" continues as B~Free interviews R&B sensation Grace Weber about life as a musician and its many impacts — positive and negative.
Our series devoted to curious careers starts, naturally, with coffee — more specifically, the person behind the seasonal concoctions at Colectivo.
As we come to the end of our series on death, we invite you to listen to community confessions and personal thoughts on death and grief.
When you're comfortable talking about death, it permeates your culture — including media. That's where we go next on this episode of "Uniquely Milwaukee."
Our parents shape us. Their deaths can do the same. On this episode of "Uniquely Milwaukee," we meet someone who has walked that difficult road.