In 2006, MPTV debuted the very popular series "The Making of Milwaukee" hosted by historian John Gurda. 10 years later, MPTV will celebrate the amazing series with a new special titled "The Making of Milwaukee: The Next Chapter." The original series was the most-watched public TV station in the country and won a Midwest Emmy Award for best documentary.
The new special will focus on Milwaukee post-2006 and will cover a wide variety of topics from sports to politics to technology to business. Historian John Gurda returns to produce and host the special along with editor Claudia Looze.
MPTV will host a sneak peak of the new special on Sep. 28 at Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery starting at 6 pm. The sneak peak will be free and open to the public, but you will need to RSVP on MPTV's site.
The original "The Making of Milwaukee" series will air on MPTV 10 on Oct. 2 at 2 pm. Then at 7 pm, "The Making of Milwaukee: The Next Chapter" will debut.
Watch a teaser below of "The Making of Milwaukee: The Next Chapter"