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Places to watch the presidential debate in Milwaukee

Media outlets are saying that this could be the most-watched debate in American television history. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off Monday, Sept. 26 at 8pm CT. It will run 90 minutes without any commercial breaks. You can stream it on your computer, tablet, and smartphone or watch it on TV. It will be broadcast on all of the major television networks, as well as the websites of major cable news channels.

Craving camaraderie? See below for spots in Milwaukee to watch the debate with others.

Presidential Debate Parties in Milwaukee:

Red Rock Saloon, 1227 N. Water Street

Chic Underground, 770 N. Jefferson Street

The Big Easy, 2053 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Drive

Riverwest Public House, 815 E Locust St

SkyBox Sports Bar, 2213 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive

Feeling like Chicago? There's a debate party at Whiskey Business, 1367 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60622

Use this opportunity to continue to educate yourself on the candidates who want to run our country. Debates open conversations around several relevant topics -- there is no better forum to learn about the agendas of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Nov. 8 is Election Day. Make sure you're informed. Make sure you're registered!