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Milwaukee Film Festival Picks: Day 8

Milwaukee Film Membership Manager Kristopher Pollard and 88Nine Music Director Justin Barney sit down every day for the Milwaukee Film Festival and pick the movies you should see. Here is today's pick.
Listen below.
Justin Barney: Kpolly, what is your pick for today?

Kpolly: Today I would definitely recommend, "AlphaGo."

Justin Barney: What's it about?

Kpolly:  It's like the chess battle that happened between Kasporav, and Deep Blue for chess aficionados. Except this is about an ancient game that's still played all over the world called, "Go." This is the story of the world's best player versus an A.I. challenger developed by Google.

Jusitn Barney: What is "Go?"

Kpolly: It's a very complex board game. It's getting a lot of buzz, and we're fortunate to have the director, Greg Kohs with us for the screening too. It's at 6:30pm at the Oriental Theater. Same day tickets will have to be purchased at the box office.



6:30 at the Oriental Theater