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Milwaukee Film Festival Picks: Day 12

Milwaukee Film Membership Manager Kristopher Pollard and 88Nine Music Director Justin Barney sit down every day for the Milwaukee Film Festival and pick the movies you should see. Here is today's pick.
Listen below.
Justin Barney: Kpolly, what's your Monday pick?

Kpolly: One of my favorites. It's called, "The Challenge."

Justin Barney: What's "The Challenge?"

Kpolly: It's an observational documentary. It takes place in Qatar, with some of the wealthiest people on the planet. The imagery you'll see in it, you'll see nowhere else unless you have a billion dollars. There's a falconry contest, a cheetah riding shotgun in a sports car, a gold plated motorcycle, but it all takes place around this falconry contest in the desert. It's visually just one of the most impressive films I've ever seen.

Justin Barney: I love films where you get to see parts of the world that you've never been to.

Kpolly: Right, and this one's a real treasure. It's at 9:30pm at the Oriental Theater, and we're also very lucky to have the director, Yuri Ancarani in attendance.

The Challenge

9:30 at the Oriental Theater