In 2015 Pixar did its deepest form of naval gazing with the revelatory “Inside Out.” Writer and director Pete Doctor carefully and successfully handled big questions of personal development in a way that was fun, thoughtful, and entertaining. Could he do it again? “Soul” is close to a companion piece of “Inside Out.” It is out to ask some big questions about each person’s purpose in life. It’s a large task that incorporates a struggling jazz musician, a therapy cat Tina Fey dropping legit philosophical theory in a barbershop, psychedelics, and a lot of beautiful scenes of an animated New York.
In addition to "Soul," we do a big ol' post holiday catch up. Kpolly is a little punch drunk on a joke that I didn’t get at first, but then come around to, I am astonished that he hadn’t watched “The Sound of Metal” yet, and Kpolly gets into horror movies two months after Halloween. Hear us talk about all that on this week's episode below.