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Check out this Milwaukee-made movie about Wisconsin's wolves at the film festival tonight

The Milwaukee Film Festival is underway! There are hundreds of movies to choose from and it's all virtual. Picking movies can be daunting with all that freedom! We want to make it a little easier, so the Cinebuds are going to pick one movie a day that they are excited about. Hopefully that will make it a little easier. If you want to buy tickets, or see other movies go here.

Today's pick: Operation Wolf Patrol

Meet Rod Coronado. Once jailed for ecoterrorism, he has since dedicated his life to Wolf Patrol - legal observation and documentation of hunters to reduce the use of problematic practices (bear baiting, unsupervised dogs) which exacerbate conflicts between wolves, humans and dogs. Set primarily in Northern Wisconsin, this film goes beyond Coronado as celebrity and asks us to consider the complex tensions of Indigenous and governmental land use, and wildlife management.