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It’s time to crown a new Cinebud and talk about ‘The Woman King’

Viola Davis leads a group of female warriors into battle in a scene from "The Woman King."

Every week, Kristopher Pollard from Milwaukee Film and a real-live, bona-fide, PERMANENT co-host talk about movies — because that’s what you do when you’re Cinebuds .

Well, the time has come. I've looked far. I've looked wide. I've looked far and wide. And I’ve finally found the right person to permanently co-host this show we call Cinebuds

The one. The only ... DORI ZORI!

That's right. THE Dori Zori. I am delighted she has, frankly, lowered herself to join me on the podcast. So let's welcome her! I can't think of a better film for us to start our new journey than THE WOMAN KING. Viola Davis! You need to hear more? Fine. 

Davis stars in this epic that has character, history, battles, dance, battles and also battles. It's in theaters now, and that's the only place you should consider watching it. Don’t believe us? Listen to our very compelling case below, then go see it and join us at @cinebudspodcast on Instagram to tell us what you thought.

Please like, subscribe and share our podcast everywhere. Make us famous! Or at least make me as famous as Dori!