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Solidarity Rally promotes unity in Milwaukee

We hear about all of the history surrounding racial inequality and this is our moment, for our generation, to take our stand.
We hear about all of the history surrounding racial inequality and this is our moment, for our generation, to take our stand.



It was hot and muggy Monday evening when I met the happy couple Samantha and Darryl in Red Arrow Park.


when she walked up to me in a basement party..." Darryl explains.

Samantha blushes and chuckles, "Yeah, at UWM. So romantic."

Both Darryl and Samantha are 24 years old and they live by UWM. And yes, Samantha is white, and Darryl is black: but that doesn't matter.

Darryl beams, "Yep, this is my beautiful girlfriend for two years."

The young couple stands among a crowd of hundreds- all races, all ages- in Downtown Milwaukee standing in solidarity. In response to the racially-charged violence in our nation, last Monday the group gathered to promote one thing: change.

"We hear about all of the history surrounding racial inequality and this is our moment, for our generation, to take our stand... this is our chance to do it. Right now."

Throughout the evening speakers shared stories and uplifted the crowd, and as they walked through the streets of Milwaukee, people continued to hug and join hands.

And as for Samantha and Darryl, they know that their generation has a lot of work ahead of them. So how do they plan on promoting change?

Samantha explains, "We're young enough to see the future and still be optimistic, but still be old enough to have the resources for change."

"Also with the community, not even with the big officials, but just saying 'hello' to your neighbors. That little seed just starts to grow and soon enough you have big trees," Darryl adds.

Listen to my full story with Darryl and Samantha by clicking the audio player above. For more on the rally and Coalition for Justice, visit