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Explore the 'haunts of nature' at Seven Bridges trail

This week on Urban Spelunking, we're heading outdoors to one of Milwaukee County's most beautiful and unique public green spaces -- Seven Bridges Trail at Grant Park in South Milwaukee.

The trail began to take shape in the 1914, designed by Frederick C. Wulff, the first-ever Superintendent of Horticulture for Milwaukee County Parks. His family even lived on the trail in a small cottage, which is still in use today.

Seven Bridges trail is a well loved attraction, for good reason. It offers a particularly scenic yet manageable hike, winding through a quarter mile of ravines, streams, tree covered paths and, of course, bridges. The trail opens up to the shoreline of Lake Michigan, giving a crescent shaped view of Milwaukee's harbor.

Learn more about the trail's designer and its evolution over the last century -- plus more about those "haunts" -- in this week's podcast below. For even more pictures and history, head to to read Bobby Tanzilo's complete story.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee