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Visiting UWM's Greene Museum and Stahl Center for Jewish Studies

On this episode of "Urban Spelunking," we go back to school. This week, OnMilwaukee's Bobby Tanzilo and I visit our alma mater, and a building I somehow missed in my five years on campus.

We're talking about the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Greene Museum and Stahl Center for Jewish Studies. The small brick building dates to 1913 and was designed by Alexander C. Eschweiler, "who was responsible for a number of other buildings on the campus that was originally home to Downer College," wrote Tanzilo in his story at OnMilwaukee.

The center has been remodeled and is visually striking inside, somehow looking bigger than it does from the outside. Abundant natural light and craftsman charm add beauty and intrigue.

While it no longer houses the collection of fossils, agates and minerals collected by its namesake, Thomas A. Greene, it is certainly active and well-used by the Jewish Studies department. And the rock collection, complete with handwritten notes from Greene, still exists on campus and is open to students.

Listen to this week's episode to find out how students still learn from Greene's work, plus find out in the trivia segment which major Milwaukee corporation had a connection to Greene.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee