In the early 1900's, when lot of the wealthy industrialists in Milwaukee were building their mansions, Charles and Sarah Allis were looking for a home for their world-class art collection.
Charles Allis, the first president and CEO of Allis Chalmers Corporation, build his modest size home on Milwaukee's Gold Coast, along what is now Prospect Avenue on the East Side of Milwaukee.
"After they bequeathed the mansion in 1945, it became part of the library system," says John Sterr, Marketing Manager for the Charles Allis Museum. "In 1960, it became a library proper."
2000 years of art history, antique furniture and famous architecture is housed under one roof at the Charles Allis Museum. That isn't all the Allis Museum offers to visitors. "We try to put on exhibitions that are of value to the community," Sterr explains. "We do three original exhibitions every year that focuses only on Wisconsin artists."
In addition to that, the Allis hosts a Roots Music Series, classic movie nights, Tea Party fundraisers and lectures.
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