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Young Farmers Program/Safe Streets, Healthy Kids Week 7

Imagine reducing your carbon footprint by getting your produce delivered to you by a young farmer on a bicycle. Well, believe it because it’s happening here in Milwaukee.

The Young Farmers Education Programgives Milwaukee youth a chance to build community, learn new skills and transform the city’s food system. The program not only brightens up Kilbourn Park and the surrounding area, but it also teaches youth how to care for a garden, work with customers, stay active, all the while understanding our environment.

Members of the program get the opportunity to become invested in the food production and education process of each young farmer. Members can also attend workshops, take part in mural painting or simply visit the garden.

These young farmers are quite active within the community, so you might seem them around this summer. They deliver produce via bicycle. How cool is that? So customers living in the Riverwest, Harambee or Brady Street neighborhoods have the chance to reduce their carbon footprint by getting their produce delivered.

Also, the program is seeking new participants for this summer! So if you’re interested in Urban Agriculture, between 14-16-years-old, and want to become a young farmer, then click here. Or to learn more about the Young Farmers Program, click the podcast below to hear from Jan Christensen.

Click here for volunteer opportunities.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee