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Get your hands dirty at the Hunger Task Force Farm


"Each month, Hunger Task Force feeds 40,000 people," says Matt King, Farm Director at the Hunger Task Force Farm in Franklin. "Half of those are people that HTF serves are kids." Over the course of a year, 1 million pounds of fresh produce will come from their 250-acre farm, just off of 68th and Ryan Road in Franklin.


King says most food pantries are lucky to have a small garden to grow produce for their families in need. Over the next couple of months, HTF staff and volunteers will move 190,000 plants growing in the huge greenhouse to the 100 acres of fields on the property. 24 different crops with over 60 different varieties are grown using sustainable farming practices. The property even has an apple and pear orchard, groups of beehives throughout to help pollinate the plants, and a group of goats to help keep the grounds manicured.


What also makes this land unique is the 100 acres of natural area that runs along the Root River corridor. In partnership with the Milwaukee County Parks system, the HTF is working to save this old oak savannah, which is one of Wisconsin's endangered ecosystems. "This is really a conservation project," says King. "We are establishing a hiking trail system so in the future, this will take on a park atmosphere. People can come and use it for recreation."


Educational classes, tours and volunteer opportunities can be found online here. Click the player above to learn more about the Hunger Task Force Farm.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee