2018 Midterm Elections Campaign Contributions

State Races
You can view the campaign contributions for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer via Wisconsin Democracy Campaign website. The total contribution for these races is $32,510,812.32
Below are the campaign contributions for US Senate and House of Representatives. We have only included races in 88Nine Radio Milwaukee's listening area. The total amount for these races is $45,580,388
The total for both the Senate, Representative, and State race is $78,091,200.
That could buy 327,000 families of four a week's worth of groceries.
That amount could cover full four-year tuition to a state school for almost 4,000 students.
US Senate Race
Tammy Baldwin (D)
Total Raised: $29,044,284
Total Spent: $26,747,406
Leah Vukmir (R)
Total Raised: $5,266,713
Total Spent: $4,166,622
Breakdown of contributions
Source: Open Secrets
Wisconsin District 1
Randy Bryce (D)
Total Raised: $7,885,468
Total Spent: $7,525,052
Bryan Steil (R)
Total Raised: $1,863,642
Total Spent: $1,561,459
Breakdown of contributions
Source: Open Secrets
Wisconsin District 4
note: Open Secrets didn't have data for the candidates: Robert Raymond (I) and Tim Rogers (R)
Gwen Moore (D)
Total Raised: $943,769
Total Spent: $917,086
Breakdown of contributions
Source: Open Secrets
Wisconsin District 5
note: Open Secrets didn't have any data for Kris Ann Riley (I)
F James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R)
Total Raised: $341,238
Total Spent: $441,904
Tom Palzewicz (D)
Total Raised: $230,861
Total Spent: $187,850
David Warnacut (I)
Total Raised: $4,413
Total Spent: $4,397
Breakdown of contributions
Source: Open Secrets