Your voter guide to the 2018 Midterm Elections in Milwaukee

Welcome to 88Nine Radio Milwaukee's 2018 Midterm Elections Voter Guide. We want to make sure you are armed with all the information you need to help you make an educated vote when you head to the polls on November 6.
Below, you can find more details about the candidates and races, read recent media coverage, watch videos of candidate statements and debates, review campaign contribution information, learn each elected official's responsibilities and duties, then use all the information to complete your custom ballot and go confidently to the polls.
Create a custom ballot
For this election, our friends over at Ballot Ready in Chicago put together an interactive ballot with all the information you need when you head to the polls. Ballot Ready provides nonpartisan, comprehensive information on every candidate and measure by aggregating content from candidate websites, endorsing organizations, newspapers and boards of election. Click the button below, then enter your full address to:
Explore and create your custom ballot. Dive into the background and opinions of every candidate on your actual ballot.
Make informed choices. Find a reason to vote for every office on the ballot and save your choices as you go.
Find your polling place. Figure out where to vote on election day. Don't worry if you're not already registered—Wisconsin lets you register the day of the election at your polling location.
Take your choices to the polls. Breeze through the ballot box by bringing your saved ballot to the polls.
Help your friends vote informed. Easily share your saved choices with your friends and family.
More resources
Let's start at square one. Need a refresher on what each elected official actually does? Here is what each office on the ballot is responsible for:
In September, we asked 88Nine listeners to submit questions for the candidates. We sent those questions to all the candidates running for U.S. Senate, Congress (districts one, four and five), Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General. We did not get replies from every candidate, but you can view the responses we received below.
We've put together newsfeeds showing the latest media coverage on each race. View the real-time updates here:
Get to know the candidates through these videos of the election debates and official statements.
With elections and campaigns come money. You can see the breakdown of each candidate’s funding here:
If you need to report any problems at the polls, such as voter ID problems, problems with proof of residence, etc. you can call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683), to resolve any issues with Wisconsin Election Protection, a non-partisan voting rights group.