414 Live with Wooldridge Brothers
After a successful Kickstarter campaign three years ago, the Wooldridge Brothers set to work on creating the material promised in their campaign - a solo LP from Scott Wooldridge (which came in 2015) and a group record.
In August, the second part of the promised material was delivered. The drive-in movie inspired album, Starts at Dusk, represents years of work for the group across different cities.
OnMilwaukee's Bobby Tanzillo talked through the album with the brothers track-by-track. We were excited to hear new material from this deep-rooted Milwaukee band this past Thursday.
Listen to 414 Live with Wooldridge Brothers below:
414 Live is sponsored by: Hi Hit Lounge & Garage Milwaukee Brewing Company
414 Live is sponsored by: Hi Hit Lounge & Garage Milwaukee Brewing Company