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World Premiere: Lex Allen "Never Look Back"

Today on 88Nine, Milwaukee's Lex Allen stopped by to talk to DJ Ken Sumka about his upcoming album, "Table 7 For Sinners & Saints." He also shared the first track from the album titled, "Never Look Back."

When Allen discussed the upcoming album recently with he shared, "... I want to tell a story, a story about truly letting go. That and embracing everything that comes in between in the story: the good and the bad. You have to allow yourself to have those moments and know that those moments are a part of life and it doesn't make you a good or bad person. It just makes you you. You just have to learn to not let the experience become your whole life. So that's what I want to help people get through and really see themselves and enjoy themselves. Like, enjoy you. Enjoy yourself on a daily basis. Wake up and look in the mirror and say, "B*tch, you fabulous."

Stream "Never Look Back" from "Table 7 For Sinners & Saints" below:


Lex Allen photo by Amanda Mills