Marielle Allschwang released her "Dead Not Done" album on vinyl at Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co. last night along with the premiere of a stunning and unique music video for the sparse and haunting track "Aquarium."
The video, directed by Milwaukee native Heather Hass, incorporates an unsettling but beautiful cinemagraph techniqe. Produced by both Hass and Allschwang, the imagery is inspired by the Morgan Greer tarot deck complimenting the ethereal track.
The video was filmed in Cedarburg with an all-Milwaukee crew.
Radio Milwaukee recently spoke with the director on the technique and vision for the piece.
Read the interview and stream the video below:
What was the inspiration and technique used for the video?
Hass: I love Marielle Allschwang’s music and wanted to make a video for her. I always like to experiment with animation and video. I thought it would be cool to try the cinemagraph technique but instead of using it as fashion photography with the clothing on a loop I wanted to try to have the person singing while the rest of them was frozen.
I explained the technique and she immediately thought of her song “Aquarium.” It was perfect! Marielle and I like to read tarot to each other and were inspired by my Morgan Greer tarot set.
Filming meant Marielle had to be very still in sometimes uncomfortable positions (i.e. laying in actual snow) for long periods of time. I used a combination of motion tracking and rotoscoping to make her face line up precisely with the part of her I wanted to be a still image. Backgrounds were made with a combination of stock images and elements I created in 3D (fog, snowfall, rain, water).
Watch "Aquarium" by Marielle Allschwang below:
Aquarium by Marielle Allschwang from Heather Hass on Vimeo.
Directed by Heather Hass
Produced by Marielle Allschwang and Heather Hass
Cinematographer............................................David Szymanski
Dome Cinematographer..............................................Don Ford
Costume Design & Props......................................Diana Ehlers
Set Design............................................................Erika Herman
........................................................................Shawn Stephany
Floral Design........................................................Erika Herman
Geodesic Dome...............................................Shawn Stephany
Make-up & Hair..................................................Gina Barrington
...............................................................................Diana Ehlers
..............................................................................Heather Hass
....................................................................Marielle Allschwang
Moon Carpentry................................................Nathaniel Heuer
Staff Carpentry......................................................Adam Krause
Jewelry & Cardinal.............................................Margaret Muza
Production Assistant.........................................Diane Reynolds
Post Production....................................................Heather Hass