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Sound Travels: Angola '70

Sound Travels Monday Angola '70 Mix Sound Travels Monday edition here, and a recap of the set from Angola that I had for you. Angola huh? Angola, West Africa. Not only that, but I've narrowed my set to the narrowest of bandwidths, to a specific period between 1970 and 1976 or so, when the music of a newly-independent Angola was just hitting a new stride. Not to comment on where the music was before or after that period, but let's say this is a crucial period of music. Not only that, but it's a personal favorite of mine. All summer I have been listening to these songs that I'm playing for you now, and I'm surprised I didn't think to put it on Sound Travels-- till someone begged me to after I made a compilation of the music. It works into you, these spirited ballads from the African savanah. The sound has a latin flavor, owing to the Portuguese influence on the country as they were they colonial rulers up until 1975. This music, with that knowledge, are a sort of song for freedom. And I love revolutionary music. And while this music has been revelatory for me, I hope it is for you too. The style here is known as semba, and it is a traditional type of music and is very much alive and popular in Angola today as it was long before that country's independence from the Portuguese. Semba is the predecessor to a variety of music styles originated from Africa, of which three of the most famous are Samba (from Brazil), Kizomba (Angolan style of music derived directly from Zouk and Caribbean rhythms) and Kuduro (energetic, fast-paced Angolan Techno/House music, so to speak). Linguistically, Semba comes from the Masemba language, meaning "a touch of the bellies", a move that characterizes the Semba dance. That said, touch your bellies y'all, this is what you've heard... Tracklisting: Pedrito “Ngalenga Kubata”Angola 70's: 1972-73 Os Korimbas “Jessa” Angola - The greatest songs from the 60's and the 70's Kibonga dos Santos “Encontro com Muloji” Angola-The greatest songs from the 60's and the 70 Lourdes van Dunem “Ngongo Ya Biluka” Angola 70's: 1972-73 Conjuto Os Tropicais “Gienda” So Merengue vol. 2 Elias diá Kimuezo “Samba” Angola - The greatest songs from the 60's and the 70's Duo N'Gola “Mona Kilumba” Angola - The greatest songs from the 60's and the 70's Conjuto Os Tropicais “N'Gui Banza Mama” So Merengue vol. 2 Conjuto Os Tropicais “Semba Kassequel” So Merengue vol. 2