Listen: For me, this one was special. The task of stumbling upon and featuring the most wonderful things going on in Milwaukee gives me a perpetual grin, but my time with the Latino Arts Strings Program probably pasted one of the biggest and deepest smiles across my face I've ever felt. You see, I played the French Horn from 4th grade through the end of high school, and I know I never produced music that put every single one of a person's cares to bed. That's just the way things are for most youth musicians. But for a stretch while I was recording in the Latino Arts Auditorium at the United Community Center, a semi-circle of violists, violinists, cellists, and guitarists formed around me while I held a microphone out, I was completely in the moment. And I beamed (see below). And I laughed (see below). And I couldn't wait to get this on the air (listen below!):
After I ask Jasmine to play for me, the music blends from a small impromptu ensemble to the whole group rehearsing. That connection between the spontaneity of the moment and the overwhelming jubilation of their practice-performance is telling of my time with the group. Listen to the Latino Arts Strings:
For more information on the Latino Arts Strings Program, follow this link . And look out for their upcoming 2010 Season -- really, they will make your smile last.
Produced by: Adam Carr