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7 O'Clock Sample | Are you SAMPLE Experienced?

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning here on 88NINE, we explore the world of sampling. Regardless of genre, era, or style, if the song uses a sample; we break the track down and connect the musical dots. This week on 7 o'Clock Sample, we are looking at how Hip Hip has sampled the late great Jimi Hendrix.

Jimi was about as ahead of the time as one could ever be.  His experiments in recording, sound technology and musical structure are legendary.  So it comes as no surprise that the rule breaking genre of Hip Hop would look to Jimi to get some cool sounds.

In 1993, producer J-Swift grabbed up 3 classic records, placed them into his drum machine, and created one of Hip Hop's most important songs.  That song was PASSIN' ME BY...



The 3 records J-Swift sampled were "Summer in the City" by Quincy Jones, "125th Street Congress" by Weather Report and "Are You Experienced?" by The Jimi Hendrix Experience.



Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee