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"Meet the Need": Day 21 | Helping Native People Earn Independence

Spotted Eagle Incorporated is helping the American Indian population in Milwaukee become more independent. Since 1974 Spotted Eagle has been helping native people including Native Alaskans and Hawaiians prepare to enter the workforce and become self-sufficient.

They work with adults to become empowered through employment. Clients work with career counselors to learn how to use job seeking resources and how to market themselves to employers. They also run an alternative high school for at risk American Indian youth.

We talked with Darren Cronkie, Executive Director of Spotted Eagle about how Spotted Eagle is identifying and continually working to improve the lives of the American Indian population in our community.

In this first piece Darren talks about how the youth could use some positive role models:

Here Darren describes how Spotted Eagle began and why they are trying to be a ‘one-stop’ resource center for the American Indian population in Milwaukee.

This piece follows the story of a Menominee man who was in prison and through working with Spotted Eagle was able to start a new life.

For more information and to help out with their cause please visit Spotted Eagle’s website.