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Tasty Treats for your Palate and your Earballs: El Rey Market and El Seorial Restaurant/Neighborhood Project Week 2

If you are lucky enough to live in Burnham Park (and even if you are not), you can experience the palatal pleasures of both El Señ'orial Restaurant on Burnham and 31st, or pop down to do some shopping at El Rey Market AND sit down for a meal of authenic Mexican cuisine. Both these restaurants are Burnham Park mainstays, and people from all over Milwaukee and surrounding suburbs come to this warm and inviting community to experience authentic Mexican cuisine at both establishments. I dined at El Señorial with my dad and my stepmom (who were pretty blown away, as was I). I had Chile Rellenos (one of my personal favorites), and while dining, dragged myself away from the table to talk to diners about their dining experience and what they love about the restaurant.

I also did some shopping at El Rey Market (a place I frequent on a regular basis for their fresh produce and amazing panaderia....bakery, gringos) and spoke with locals (and non-locals) about why they shopped at this Burnham Park anchor.

A taste treat for your earballs. Commence drooling now.


my Dad and his wife, Cindy enjoying El Señorial with me