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Let's ride... for the arts!

Join Freewheel! and support the arts by registering with Team 88Nine Radio Milwaukee to ride in the  2015 UPAF Ride for the Arts on Sunday, May 31. I will be riding the 12 Mile Route (mainly because of Saturday night and that the longer routes start earlier), but you can choose a route that fits your idea of a bike ride.

Team deadline isWednesday, April 29, but you're prolly alread wondering "How do I register for Team 88Nine Radio Milwaukee?" amirite?

Click  HERE to register online and follow the steps below.

1. Select "I am an individual signing up as a member of a team."

2. Select team "88Nine Radio Milwaukee" from the drop down box.

3. Enter team password: 88Nine

4. Enter the number of riders you want to register.

5. Input personal rider information. You will be asked to create a login and password.

6. Review and edit your information and enter payment information. 

Click  HERE for Route information! 

I hope to see you there!

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee