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Listen to Hip-hop producer Vincent VanGREAT on 414 Live

414 Live with Vincent VanGREAT

Almost a year after the release of his album UnGREATful, hip-hop producer Vincent VanGREAT is still riding the high and spreading GREATness around the Milwaukee scene.

Last weekend, he and his band Ninja Sauce (definitely in the running for our fav band name) played Arte Para Todos and we were excited to host the crew this past Thursday for another stellar performance.

VanGREAT's style molds genres around music and results in tracks that feel right to almost any music lover.

Listen to the 414 Live session and interview with Vincent VanGREAT below:

414 Live is presented by: Milwaukee Bucks

With support from: Riviera Maya Hi Hit Lounge & Garage Milwaukee Brewing Company

414 Live is presented by: Milwaukee Bucks

With support from: Riviera Maya Hi Hit Lounge & Garage Milwaukee Brewing Company