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Interested in playing Summerfest 2025? Artist submissions are open now.

Diet Lite at Summerfest 2023.
Diet Lite at Summerfest 2023.

Everyone gets very excited about the annual Summerfest lineup reveal that happens sometime between now and March. We scan the festival graphic for bands/artists we love, look at the schedule and start planning our days on the lakefront.

There is, of course, another musical facet to the festival that involves the lesser-known acts hoping to get a little exposure and sharpen their stage presence. Those spots in the lineup tend to get filled later on, but the process for Summerfest 2025 officially started today.

Compared with past years, the festival took a different tack and has decided to partner with Amplead to collect online applications. Among other things, that means I can’t look at the questionnaire and do some good-natured ribbing about the kind of information being collected.

I can, however, look at the Amplead landing page and see there are “15+ slots available,” which is either very few slots or a whole lot of slots (the “+” leaves it fairly open ended). It also indicates that anyone who receives an invitation to play Summerfest will get 45 to 60 minutes for their set.

If that all sounds good and you (and/or your bandmates) are available June 19-21, June 26-28 and July 3-5, visit the Amplead online submission portal between now and March 31.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee