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Brett Krzykowski

Director of Digital Content

Cedarburg, WI

First concert:
Sigh … Michael Bolton. My mom and her friend wanted to see him at Summerfest. I was too young and too naïve to realize the Skyglider ride I received in exchange wasn’t worth having to answer this question in this manner for the rest of my life.

Best concert:
Ben Folds at the Rave, I think it was 2002. Just him and a piano, but when you have an insanely devoted following, you can have them sing horn parts and harmonies and provide just the best audience participation ever.

Favorite band/artist of all time:
Spoon. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem are a close second.

Favorite place to take a visitor in Milwaukee:
Central Waters’ Tap Room. It successfully combines the two necessary ingredients for a space like this: really good beer and a location built for a wildly different purpose than being a tap room.

What about you would surprise people:
I invented a drink. Captain Morgan + orange soda = Captain Creamsicle. Happened in the early 2000s at a house party, so I have witnesses. A cursory internet search revealed slight variations that also use orange juice. Unnecessary.