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MKE Music Premiere: Lost Orange Cat’s ‘I’m On Fire’ is a scorcher

Mike Collins

Every week, Milwaukee Music Premiere connects the city’s artists with our listening audience. If you’re an artist with a track you’d like us to debut exclusively on Radio Milwaukee, head over to our Music Submission page to learn how.

Aside from Rivers Cuomo, musicians aren’t known for their deeply regimented approach to creating art. However, they often go into a project with goals in mind to guide their process. Milwaukee band Lost Orange Cat had a few of those at the ready before starting down the road that led them to “I’m On Fire,” the song we’re helping them premiere today.

The to-do list wasn’t too complicated:

  1. Make a fast-paced song …
  2. … that incorporates their rock sound …
  3. … with a little more of a country flair …
  4. … and a classic train backbeat.

Tap the “Listen” button at the top of the page, and you’ll hear that they went 4-for-4.

Putting the checklist to one side, what Lost Orange Cat delivers in “I’m On Fire” wouldn’t have been out of place at a raucous rockabilly show straight out of the 1950s. You’ve got your “chugga-chugga” percussion, guitars that sound like they’re being strummed within an inch of their lives and Josh Konkel’s growling, howling vocals spitting rat-a-tat lyrics about a person you just met and immediately can’t live without:

I’m feeling kinda fine a-searching where to find the treasure that I seek
It’s a cool loose lady with a bad attitude-y grooving to the beat
And she’ll steal your heart right from the start and never will release
That devilish stare, her beauty so fair, it really makes me weak

It’s a scorcher of a single we’ll play all day long on 88Nine (6:30 and 10:30 a.m.; 2:30, 6:30 and 9:30 p.m.) before its official release this Saturday, Nov. 2. That night, Lost Orange Cat will celebrate the new song with a gig at Nashville North from 7 to 10 p.m.

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Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee