Benjamin Koenigs
Account ExecutiveHometown:
Greenbush, Wisc. (don't blink, you'll miss it)
First concert:
Beach Boys at the Sheboygan County Fair with my parents. I was like 7 years old and asked my parents if I could bring my CD player. Spoiler alert: They said no. Since my childhood, I've grown to appreciate the Beach Boys.
Favorite band/artist of all time:
I can't pick just one! Tom Waits, System of a Down, Reel Big Fish, Against Me!, Bad Religion, and IDLES are in the top spots for sure. I gotta show love to Direct Hit!, Every Time I Die, Dead Kennedys, Tenacious D, Rancid, and a ton of others though. Ask me again next week and this list will change.
Best concert:
System of a Down with Deftones at the United Center in Chicago. I was in the pit the entire time and it felt like I was in a wave of people. I just had to go with the flow of the people. It was surreal. A close second would be Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, and Streetlight Manifesto at Summerfest.
Favorite place to take a visitor in Milwaukee:
Wherever the food is at! Pizza? We are going to The Bubbler. Wings? We are going to Club Garibaldi's. Beer? Throw a dart at a map of Milwaukee, and we will probably hit a place that has great beer.
Something no one in the office knows about you:
I used to be in a punk-rock band called "Not Exactly Heroes" where I was the lead singer and played bass. Now, I've calmed down a bit and use my talents on the Ukulele. Also, I collect Pokémon cards.
Comfort drink:
Brandy old fashioned sour. With a cherry garnish, not mushrooms.
The annual event hits the five-year mark in 2025 and will bring two different vibes to each of the two nights.