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Hey Milwaukee! It’s Election Day. Here's everything you need to know

Everyone is telling you to vote on November 6 in the midterm. What does that mean, you ask? Here's the deal:

The midterm election gets its name because it comes during the middle of the president’s four year term. In it, every two years, voters in each state get to elect their candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives (Congress) and the U.S. Senate.

In this year's midterms, Wisconsin will also be electing its Governor, Secretary of StateAttorney General, State Treasurer and State Assembly representatives.

Locally, Milwaukee will also be voting on County Clerk, County Sheriff and a referendum on marijuana legalization.
As far as the candidates, we've created a comprehensive voter guide to help you prepare to make your decisions at the polls.

In it, you can find more details about the candidates and races, read recent media coverage, watch videos of candidate statements and debates, review campaign contribution information, learn each elected official’s responsibilities and duties, then use all the information to complete your custom ballot and go confidently to your polling place on election day.

Explore the guide here.

And don’t worry if you’re not already registered to vote—Wisconsin lets you register on the day of the election at your polling location (which you can also locate in our guide).

If you need to report any problems at the polls, such as voter ID problems, problems with proof of residence, etc. you can call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683), to resolve any issues with Wisconsin Election Protection, a non-partisan voting rights group.

Now go get that sticker, Milwaukee!