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Gov. Tony Evers issues statewide face covering mandate

Wisconsin residents above five years old will now be required to wear a face covering when indoors, and not in a private residence, according to an executive order signed by Gov. Tony Evers today.

The order takes effect Aug. 1 and expires on Sept. 28. Face coverings will not be required outdoors, but are recommended.

“While our local health departments have been doing a heck of a job responding to this pandemic in our communities, the fact of the matter is, this virus doesn't care about any town, city, or county boundary, and we need a statewide approach to get Wisconsin back on track,” said Gov. Evers.

 “We’ve said all along that we’re going to let science and public health experts be our guide in responding to this pandemic, and we know that masks and face coverings will save lives," Evers' statement continued. "While I know emotions are high when it comes to wearing face coverings in public, my job as governor is to put people first and to do what's best for the people of our state, so that's what I am going to do.”

The order makes exceptions for eating, drinking or swimming, as well as those with health conditions or disabilities that prevent them from wearing a mask safely.