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Physical distancing. Social connecting.

No doubt, it’s important to physically stay away from each other right now. (I’m writing this from home and haven’t seen anyone but my wife in days. FaceTiming with our daughters helps.) But the term “social distancing” just feels so…cold. So isolating.

It goes directly against 88Nine’s mission -- to connect people to each other, and to the city.

So, with credit to staff member Maddy Riordan, we’re adopting the phrase “physical distancing.”

And, especially during these challenging times, we’re more committed than ever to “social connecting.”

While we can’t do that in person right now, we are doing it on the air and online.

By nature, radio is a social connector. You don’t listen alone. You might not see other people listening, but tens of thousands are – and sharing your experience.

That’s why our Community Stories are focusing on the voices of you and your neighbors, describing how you’re getting through this. Listen to this short story on how we’re hoping to help.

And that’s why, starting next week, we’re creating special music programming. To enhance the sense of a shared experience. One feature will be for kids out of school (and their parents looking for activities). Others will offer special musical treats. Stand by for details.

We’re also using the internet – our website and social media – for “social connecting.” We’re asking you to share photos, videos, comments about your experience during these challenging days.

Finally, a word of thanks to you. Without your ongoing support, we cannot do any of this. Many of the businesses that have supported us are going through tough times. These are our friends and we are hurting for them. Before this crisis, they provided many ways to socially connect – over a great meal, at a concert, etc. Let’s remember them when things turn around.

Meantime, let’s keep our distance physically. But let’s continue to connect socially. We’ll help the best we can.