Listen: Meet The Need, Day 19 of 50 gives us Rebuilding Together Milwaukee. Simply because someone owns a house, especially if the homeowner is elderly or disabled, does not mean that house is fit to live in. In these cases, oftentimes an individual can find themselves isolated and unable to provide for themselves. And what happens to a neighborhood if its homeowners, who are the backbone of the community, are unable to meet their needs? This is the problem Rebuilding Together Milwaukee addresses -- they use volunteers to preserve and revitalize low-income houses, assuring that low-income homeowners, from the elderly and disabled to families with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. Lynnea Katz-Petted, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Milwaukee, shares how they impact homeowners, and how that impact reverberates throughout the community:
-Volunteers and sponsors renovate a house in a day, making a huge impact on a homeowner's life: