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"Make A Difference": 2010 Election | November 2nd is Just One Week Away!

Listen: Maybe it's just me, but this fall has flown by -- it seems like just yesterday that our Make A Difference campaign was kicking off and we were putting together our first round of pieces for our focus on voting in the primaries. Well, November 2nd is just one week away and in the final push before the election, Make A Difference turns towards an on-air and online Get Out The Vote effort.

And who exactly are we trying to reach? Plenty of folks have have decided upon both that they are voting as well as who they'll support on the ballot and that's awesome. However, we're not necessarily trying to reach those folks -- we're hoping to reach the people who are on the fence about voting or haven't yet given it much thought. Listen this week for a wide ranging batch of POVs on the election that have one major point of commonality -- they all feel it's crucially important that everyone, regardless of their personal politics, learn about the candidates and make an informed decision at the polls on November 2nd.

To kick off this parade of perspectives, we have Dennis, a student volunteer with Voces De La Frontera. We spent about an hour together on a Saturday morning walking around the Walker's Point neighborhood, discussing a number of different topics relating to the upcoming election. As a college student and a young man hoping to make a difference, Dennis presents his perspective:

To learn more about Voces De La Frontera, the immigrant and workers' rights group Dennis volunteers with, check out their website. Also, keep listening this week for more perspectives on the importance of voting!