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"Meet The Need": Day 1 of 50 | Going Beyond Shelter

Listen: On our first day of Meet The Need, Day 1 of 50, we get to know the Cathedral Center, an organization that provides emergency shelter and case management services for women and families who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis. Families served include single mothers or fathers, as well as married couples with children.

This is a great place to start, because at the Cathedral Center we see the deep interconnectedness of need -- an individual is connected to a family, which is connected to a community. Once the connection is made, an emergency shelter can only go so far -- with temporary safety gained, how does one move forward?

- In the first piece, Executive Director Donna Rungholt-Migan gives a picture of the homeless population they work with at their shelter:

- Donna shares a bit of her personal motivation for doing the work she does at the Cathedral Center, which at times can be quite challenging:

- The story of a woman who, like many of the folks they see at the Cathedral Center, felt like she didn't belong there:

- While we'll be talking about 'need' a great deal in this campaign, in many of our lives, we're more often concerned with 'want.' Donna brings that into the Cathedral Center picture:

- If you'd like to volunteer with the Cathedral Center, Donna runs through how you can get involved:

This year, we ask you to adopt one or two organizations that connect with you. Want to get involved? Donate, volunteer, or check out their work yourself. And you can start with their website.