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"Make Milwaukee": An Unexpected White Walled Gallery

Listen: I first visited Reagan High School this fall to speak to students in their Music Composition class. Having not heard much about Reagan but finding my brief glimpse inside quite impressive, I asked for a tour of the building. As we walked through the hallways, I saw enough to bring me back and devote a week of programming to the wonderful creativity in that building.

And perhaps most impressive was the least expected part of the tour. We walked through regular hallways filled with lockers and lined by classrooms. Then, we walked through a standard classroom door and found myself in a big, white-walled art gallery. It wasn't some compromised "high school" version of a gallery -- it looked and felt like the real deal.

At the time, I didn't get the whole story but Reagan art teacher Chad Sperzel Wuchterl filled me in:

As you can see from the pictures, they aren't messing around. I can't say I'm an expert on school infrastructure, but these galleries at Reagan must be pretty unique. You should definitely check out the galleries, and the art from the talented Reagan students, for yourself!