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Lollapalooza Coverage: Interview with Little Green Cars

Live at Lollapalooza, Kallao and I sat down with Faye and Adam of Little Green Cars for an on-the-scene interview. The band is from Dublin, and both Adam and Faye have the accents to prove it. You might have heard their wonderful new single Harper Lee on the airwaves of 88Nine. Dig the interview here.

In the interview, Little Green Cars gets personal! They answer the rapid-fire 88Nine Radio Milwaukee Personality Test. If you haven't taken it yet, view it here. Lets see how they answered. 

The Test       Adam & Faye of Little Green Cars

Beatles or Stones---------------------------------------------------------Both: Beatles

Country or City-------------------------------------------- Faye: Country Adam: City

Mad Men or Breaking Bad---------- Adam: Hasn’t seen ‘em Faye: Breaking Bad

Fame or Fortune-----------------------------------------------------------Both: Fortune

Budweiser or Pabst----------- Faye: Budweiser Adam: Pabst, because he hates Budweiser

Steak or Sushi---------------------------------------------------------------Both: Steak

Optimist or Pessimist: --------------------------- Faye: Optimist Adam: Pessimist

Andrew Zimmern or Anthony Bourdain-----------------Both: Anthony Bourdain

Lover or Fighter------------------------------------------- Faye: Fighter Adam: Lover

Buy an album or Burn an album-- Faye: Buy our album Adam: Burn an album

Good or Evil: ---------------------------------------------------------------------Both:Evil

The Velvet Underground or A Tribe Called Quest---Both: Velvet Underground

Any Poehler or Tina Fey-----Both: Tina Fey because they don’t know who Amy Poehler is.

Pepsi or Coke----------------------------------------------------------------Both:Coke

Introvert or Extrovert--------------------------------------------------Both Introvert

Mac or PC------------------------------------------------------------------------Both Mac

Heartbreaker of Heartbroken--------------------------------------Both Heartbroken

Sweet or Salty------------------------------------------------ Adam: Sweet Faye: Salty


BONUS: Little Green Cars video for Harper Lee

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee